Frequently Asked Questions

No. Efeedor is an Intelligent patient feedback management software and not an advertising product. It helps in managing your patient feedbacks better and focus on offering a seamless experience to your patients.
All Efeedor servers are hosted within high secured Virtual Private Servers inside Godaddy cloud, with multiple data backups. The servers have round-the-clock network monitoring with advanced security protocols detect and are capable to mitigate attacks within 30 seconds. All our domain names, web links and web servers are SSL certified which enables secure data transfer and logins. This means that your data is totally safe.
Yes, certainly. Our support team can help in migrating your data from your existing software to Efeedor.
Efeedor is a feature-rich software and has been built with a lot of research and feedback from patient relationship officers and patient experience consultants across the country. Immense effort has been put to ensure that Efeedor has features that suit the needs of all kinds of healthcare organizations. Even though, we do make customizations based on requests and our team does add new features continually, based on popular demand.
Once you subscribe to the software, you are automatically entitled to all updates on request.
Efeedor is a simple application and is extremely easy to learn and use. To help our customers, we have a vast library of help articles, which will act as a quick reference for you and your staff while learning any feature. In case you need further assistance, our support team will be happy to help.
No, you don’t have to teach your staff. We are there to help. To learn any feature, your staff can refer to the vast library of help articles, at their convenience. They can also reach out to our support team for more assistance and training.
Renewal price for a plan will not change than discussed until and unless features are added in middle. However, if an older plan has been discontinued and your subscription is inactive, then you may have to talk to us and select from the currently available plans.
Sure! You can start a 14 days free trial by clicking here and follow the steps. You can get in touch with our team and purchase a paid subscription once you discover the immense value Efeedor adds to your Healthcare Organization.
The trial version will be usually active for 14 days and can be extended only upon request.
Trial version is completely free of cost. You can choose to purchase a subscription of your choice anytime during the trial period.
Trial versions will have all the features from our best plan. You can purchase subscription of your choice anytime during the trial period.
The subscription will start only after the trial period ends. This will ensure full usage of the trial and paid subscription period.
Yes, every time you request for a new feature or upgrade for a higher package, a 15-day trial will be provided for the same.
Our customer support team is always ready to help you. You can contact the support team with any queries via email to or via phone to +91-8151801000 or via live chat within the website.